DAPA presents 21 distinguished Standing and Special Committees. Standing Committees are permanent in accordance with the Bylaws, and are compromised of paralegals who meet regularly to progress their agendas. Special Committees may be established through Presidential appointment to head a specific initiative. Both Standing and Special Committees work diligently to uphold and progress DAPA's values. |
ALLIANCE / TAPA Standing Committee. The Alliance/TAPA Committee collaborates with other paralegal associations to promote, monitor, and participate in developments within the paralegal community by encouraging educational and professional growth across Texas. |
CLE AUDIT Standing Committee. The CLE Audit Committee works closely with leadership and members to determine and report upon the the validity of CLE credit for each Voting Member of DAPA. | Kathy Connell |
DIVERSITY, INCLUSION & EQUITY Standing Committee. The Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Committee is composed of diverse members and serves to promote values of education, opportunity, and advancement of all members by understanding that diversity is our strength. | Veronica Redmon |
EDUCATION Standing Committee. The Education Committee is responsible for facilitating information and educational opportunities available to each member through DAPA's prestigious Specialty Sections. | Veronica Redmon |
ELECTIONS Standing Committee. The Elections Committee honorably works to successfully administer annual elections for the Board of Directors in order to determine leaders for the following calendar year. | Sheila White |
EVENTS Standing Committee. The Entertainment Committee coordinates many of DAPA's major in-person events, to include networking meet-ups, Sustaining Member events, and the annual holiday luncheon for members to attend and enjoy. |
ETHICS Standing Committee. The Ethics Committee members investigate and address individual and organizational ethics concerns to ensure that honorable and principled practices are adhered so as to promote ethical leadership behaviors. | Kay Redburn, TBLS-BCP |
FINANCIAL AUDIT Standing Committee. The Financial Audit Committee inspects the banking statements and other financial records of DAPA so as to report on the organization's financial health for the current and preceding years. | Ariel Aguayo, CP, TBLS-BCP |
MEMBERSHIP Standing Committee. At the direction of the Membership Vice President, the Membership Committee collaborates with individual members, sections, and other committees to develop and execute key strategies geared toward recruitment, engagement, and retention of all DAPA members. | Eugene Alcala |
NEWSLETTER Standing Committee. The Newsletter Committee works diligently to prepare and publish the monthly Newsletter, On The Record, by drafting articles, gathering information, and working alongside other members to ensure all members receive the most current news and events. | Patrice Fields |
NFPA / NATIONAL AFFAIRS Standing Committee. The NFPA / National Affairs Committe meets to address agenda topics, resolutions, elections, and any other additional NFPA news and occurrences prevalent to DAPA members. |
PRO BONO / COMMUNITY SERVICE Standing Committee. The Pro Bono / Community Service Committee proudly serves to promote philanthropic interests through collaborating with other organizations by establishing and participating in volunteer opportunities and events. |
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Standing Committee. The Professional Development Committee researches and monitors various potential professional directions and impactful career development opportunities to include certifications, licensing, events, associations, and more to best benefit the members of DAPA. | Michele Boerder, CP, TBLS-BCP |
PROGRAMS Standing Committee. The Programs Committee proudly facilitates monthly General Membership Meetings by coordinating with esteemed speakers to present on an interesting topical presentation available for CLE credit to DAPA members. | Caroline Rose, TBLS-BCP |
PUBLICATIONS Special Committee. The Publications Committee works alongside the Membership Committee and the Executive Director to establish and maintain a directory of all voting, non-voting, and sustaining members, as well as a comprehensive list of current leadership roles amongst sections, committees, the Board of Directors and more so as to maintain accessible information for all DAPA members. | Ariel Aguayo, CP, TBLS-BCP |
RULES AND BYLAWS Standing Committee. The Rules and Bylaws Committee is responsible for the creation and maintenance of DAPA's rules that guide organizational operations and activities by referencing the established policies and procedures to reflect new changes within the culture of DAPA. | Kathy Connell |
SCHOLARSHIP Standing Committee. The Scholarship Committee determines the parameters in which a member may receive a DAPA scholarship by evaluating the applicant's educational institution, and selecting the topic of the essay submitted by the applicant to then determine the recipient and amount awarded. | Sandra Branch |
SPECIAL AWARDS Special Committee. The Special Awards Committee facilitates the selection of the DAPA's Paralegal of the Year Award recipient, DAPA's Pro Bono Service Award recipient, and the Michele M. Boerder Lifetime Achievement Award recipient as announced at the annual DAPA holiday luncheon. | Michele Boerder, CP, TBLS-BCP |
STRATEGIC LONG RANGE PLANNING Standing Committee. The Strategic Long Range Planning Committee provides guidance to the Board of Directors regarding future endeavors and sets forth short-term and long-term plans and goals to help propel DAPA forward. | Melody Johnson, CP |
WEBSITE Standing Committee. The Website Committee provides and updates content on the DAPA website to include maintaining the photo galleries and presentations, posting events on the DAPA calendar and providing event information to all members to generate attendance of section and committee meetings. | Debbi Lowe |
WENDI A. ROGERS MENTOR / PROTÉGÉ PROGRAM Special Committee. Named in memoriam of past DAPA President and esteemed paralegal leader, Wendi Atwood Rogers, this Mentor / Protégé program facilitates a space where protégés can get connected with more experienced paralegals and resources, and mentors can find support as they develop their knowledge, skills, and professional relationships. | Eugene Alcala |
All committees are overseen by the Board of Directors and DAPA's President. If you are interested in joining a committee or would you like more information, please contact President Melanie Isaac for more information. president@dallasparalegals.org |